Education as a space of opportunituies: from human capital to human potential

Asmolov A., Guseltseva M. . — European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences
The article discusses the problems of socio-cultural modernization of Russian education in the situation of transitivity, diversity and complexity. It is proved that success of cultural modernization of society and the education system is due to the change of methodological optics: the transition from pursuing models of human capital (“people are the new oil”) to a pre-adaptive model of human potential which is based on the principles of humanism, the priority of human dignity as well as the special significance in the strategic analysis and diagnostics of cultural and psychological factors. The article criticizes the development strategies of society based solely on the concept of human capital. In these strategies education is seen primarily as a service industry and not as a social institution of personal development;the principle of educational redundancy, which overcomes the temporal market demands, remains inshadow; federal and regional programs for the development of education are designed primarily adaptedto the budget deficit; social policy of development of education is reduced to the economic policy. Only if market mechanisms will be rethought in the terms of anthropological optics, it will be able to create an effective management model that promotes the quality of human life and the principle of redundancy of education allows a softer transit from an outdated and stagnant system to a human-friendly and innovative one. It is argued that the modernization of the consciousness of managerial elites lags behind the already existing grassroots modernization of society.
Asmolov A., Guseltseva M. Education as a space of opportunituies: from human capital to human potential // European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. — 2019. — Vol. 64, no. 6. — P. 40–45. T
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